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Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV)

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Safety Education and Enforcement program consists of on-duty deputy sheriff’s that participate in both OHV safety training classes and educational presentations; along with patrol and enforcement of OHV rules and regulations. The program is generally funded by grants from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 

All department deputy sheriff’s receive regular training by MN DNR Conservation Officers in the most current OHV rules and regulations.  

While Douglas County does not have designated OHV trails, deputy sheriff’s regularly encounter OHV’s on rural roadways and on the lakes and waterways while they are being used for ice-fishing activities.  

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind all operators that in-general OHV use on State Highways and County Roads is prohibited and recommends all riders take a certified ATV/OHV safety class. Respect the property of others. Please ride responsibly, and do not drink alcoholic beverages and ride. Be safe so you and others can continue to enjoy all Douglas County has to offer.