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Voter Registration Information

All persons voting during an election are required by state law to be registered.  If you are not able to pre-register at least 21 days before Election Day, you may be able to register to vote on Election Day at your correct polling place location.

Am I currently registered to Vote?
You can review your voter registration status at the Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State web site by clicking on the link below titled “Voter Registration Lookup.”

Am I eligible to vote?
To be eligible to vote, a person must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age on Election Day and a resident of Minnesota for 20 days. They must not currently be incarcerated. A person can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked their right to vote.  A person cannot vote if a court has ruled that they are legally incompetent.

How do I register to Vote?
If you are not currently registered to vote, or have changed your name or address since you last voted, you may pre-register up to 21 days preceding any election by using one of the following methods:

  • Register in person at your home county Auditor’s Office  
  • Register on-line select the link below titled “MN Secretary of State – Voter Information Page”  
  • Register by mail select the link below titled “MN Secretary of State – Voter Information Page” to print the registration form and mail it to the Douglas County Auditor’s Office at 821 Cedar St, Alexandria MN 56308
  • Register on Election Day by providing acceptable ID and registering with the Registration Judge in the correct polling place of the precinct in which you reside.

Can I register on Election Day?
If you are not registered to vote or need to update your registration information on Election Day, you may do so at your local polling place.  If you’re not sure which precinct you reside in or the polling place location, you may use the link below titled “MN Secretary of State – Voter Information Page” accessing the MN Secretary of State web site for assistance to find where you vote.

Persons registering on Election Day must be a U.S. Citizen, at least 18 years old on Election Day and a resident of Minnesota for 20 days.  They must not currently be incarcerated. A person can vote while under guardianship unless a judge under the court of law specifically has revoked their right to vote.  A person cannot vote if a court has ruled that they are legally incompetent. 

Everyone who registers on Election Day must provide one of the proofs of residence acceptable by law.  Only proofs authorized by law may be used.  A complete list of the requirements and acceptable proofs of ID and proof of residence can be found on the Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State web site.  You can access the MN Secretary of State web site by selecting the link below titled “MN Secretary of State – Voter Information Page.”