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Social Services Plan & Policy Documents

There are a number of Social Services plans and policies available for public viewing.

The Limited English Proficiency Plan and the Civil Rights Compliance Plan serve as the Douglas County Social Services plan to meet the legal obligation of language access requirements in compliance of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 7CFR, 273 et. Seq; and 42 CFR 435 et seq.

The Minnesota Family Investment Plan (MFIP) Consolidated Fund Act requires counties to submit a biennial service agreement to the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to receive these public funds. The MFIP Plan, 2014-2015 Biennial Service Agreement Updates, MFIP Addendum and Unpaid Worksite Agreement.

The Health Care Access Services Biennial Plan outlines the means by which Douglas County will ensure that applicants/recipients of Medical Assistance (MA) and Minnesota Care pregnant women and children under 21 years of age are reimbursed for the appropriate level of needed transportation and other travel-related expenses to enable them to access necessary medical treatment.

Douglas County has developed the Vulnerable Children and Adults (VCA) Act Plan to address services for vulnerable children and adults who experience dependency, abuse, or neglect

Douglas County has contracted with Lakes and Prairies Community Action as of 7-6-15 to administer the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).  Refer to Amended CCAP Plan document.

Douglas County receives grant funding to develop, implement, and administer community-based adult mental health services. Refer to Adult Mental Health Grant Plan.