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Commissioners Make Decision on Fern-Roth Solar Farm EAW

Posted: 01/23/2024

Author: Dave Rush

Category: County Board, Departments

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The Douglas County Board of Commissioners, the Responsible Government Unit (RGU) for environmental review of the project titled Fern-Roth 40-Megawatt Solar Farm Project, LaGrand and Lake Mary Townships issued a Record of Decision on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement.  The Record documents the justifications for the county’s determination. Based on consideration of the criteria and factors specified in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410 to determine whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, and on the findings of fact and record in this matter, Douglas County determined that the project and potential connected impacts were of such a type and extent as not to be significant, can be mitigated, or are reversible.  Further environmental review of the project will not significantly enhance the county’s ability to evaluate the project and execute a decision on a permit application. Therefore, the commissioners determined that an Environmental Impact Statement was not required for this project. Complete responses to all substantive written comments received for the above EAW are available in the document below.

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