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County Board Meeting June 4 2024

Posted: 06/05/2024

Author: Julie Anderson

Category: County Board, Departments

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Recognition of one of the longest-serving employees created a heartfelt response at the start of the June 4 Douglas County Board of Commissioners meeting.

Laurie Bonds is retiring from her position as Community Human Services Director after 46 years with the county. She has provided meaningful leadership of the social services department for many of those 46 years. The board recognized her for her unwavering dedication to her employees and the people of Douglas County. Board members said her efforts leave an enduring legacy. They rose to their feet and gave her a round of applause which was joined by all those attending the meeting. Bonds said she’s incredibly grateful for the opportunities she’s been given and will miss the work very much. She thanked the commissioners and said she’s appreciated everyone’s support over the years. Then she joked, her husband is now going to make to-do lists for her.

Social Services

Bonds had some business before the board as well.

Bonds asked commissioners to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with West Central Minnesota Communities Action to provide parenting education curriculum and skills.  

She also walked commissioners through information required for them to approve the replacement of 8 leased 2019 Chevrolet Equinox vehicles with leased 2025 Equinox vehicles which are used by staff. Commissioners approved the request.

Public Works  

County Engineer and Public Works Director Tim Erickson explained the details of a swap of two township roads and one county road. County Road 120, which serves residents on a portion of Lake le Homme Dieu, will now be a township road and called Old County Road 120. Erickson said this name change should present the fewest challenges for those living on the road. The county will take over Pilgrim Point Road and Carlos Timbers West as county roads.

Land and Resource Management

Director Dave Rush introduced Otter Tail Power Project Manager Todd Langston who updated commissioners on the Big Stone South Transmission Project. This project is 208 miles of new 345 kV transmission facilities between the Big Stone South Substation near Big Stone City, South Dakota, the Alexandria Substation near Alexandria, and a new substation proposed southwest of Becker. Langston shared the final two proposed routes and the date and time of the final in person hearings. The hearing for Alexandria is Monday, June 17 at the Broadway Ballroom at 115 30th Avenue East in Alexandria. An open house runs from 10 to 11 a.m. with the formal hearing to follow. Those attending will be able to view maps and materials for the project and ask questions. The project will include buying property from certain landowners.  

The next county board meeting with be June 18 at 9 a.m. in the Administration Building at 821 Cedar Street, Alexandria.


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