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Hunting Accident

Posted: 11/13/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23014901

Date Reported: 11/11/2023 at 1603 hours

Incident: Hunting Accident

Location: 1885 Co Rd 74 NE

Complainant/Victim: Juvenile Male

Case Details:

On 11/11/2023 at approximately 1603 hours the Douglas County Sheriff's Office responded to the address of 1885 County Road 74, Nelson MN for a hunting accident. The caller said that a juvenile male accidentally shot himself in the leg while hunting. The juvenile was able to walk to a nearby property to ask for assistance. After first responders arrived the juvenile was treated and flown from the scene by Life Link. The injury does not appear to be life threatening.
This incident is still under investigation, but nothing criminal is suspected.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Minnesota DNR, North Ambulance, Osakis First Responders and Life Link.

Officer: Deputy Alex Herzberg, #218


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