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Personal Injury Accident w/School Bus

Posted: 01/25/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23000891

Date Reported: 1/20/2023 at 2:03 PM

Incident: Personal Injury Accident w/School Bus

Location: County Road 12/Gravel Pit Road NW; Leaf Valley Township

Suspect Information:

Case Details:

Driver 1: Thomas Trisko, age 67 of Brandon, MN
Driver 2: David Fulghum, age 63 of Alexandria, MN

On January 20, 2023 at about 2:03 pm the Douglas County Sheriff's Office was notified of a personal injury accident at the intersection of County Road 12 and Gravel Pit Road NW in Leaf Valley Township. Thomas Trisko was driving a Brandon/Evansville school bus eastbound on Gravel Pit Road NW and David Fulghum was driving a Nissan Frontier pickup southbound on County Road 12. The vehicles collided in the intersection. Trisko was not injured and neither were the ten students on board the bus. Fulghum complained of back and leg pain after exiting the pickup and was transported to Alomere Hospital by Parkers Prairie Ambulance. As a result of the crash the Nissan pickup, owned by Auto Value Auto Parts, started on fire. The Leaf Valley Fire Department extinguished the fire. Another bus was summoned to the scene and students were safely transferred to the second bus and the route was completed. The Leaf Valley First Responders and North Ambulance also assisted on scene. The cause of the accident remains under investigation.

Officer: Sgt. Ron Boyden, #209


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