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Personal Injury Crash

Posted: 11/14/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23014979

Date Reported: 11/13/2023

Incident: Personal Injury Crash

Location: Co Rd 4 SW/Little Mary Circle SW - Lake Mary Township

Case Details:

Driver: John Plusa, Age 92
Passenger: Mary Plusa, Age 86

Details: On November 13, 2023 at 1644 hours the Douglas County Sheriff's Office received a report of an injury crash on Co Rd 4 SW near Little Mary Circle SW. Witnesses reported a green Subaru Legacy was traveling westbound on Co Rd 4 when it left the roadway and struck a large pine tree. Prior to emergency crews arriving on scene, several individuals stopped to help and pulled both occupants from the vehicle as it had started on fire. The driver, John Plusa of rural Alexandria and his wife Mary were taken to Alomere Hospital. Mary was later transported to St Cloud. Both are in stable condition. Assisting on the scene were the Holmes City First Responders, North Ambulance, and the Alexandria Fire Department.

Officer: Deputy Adam Kavanagh, #203


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