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Scam/Attempted Fraud

Posted: 04/05/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23004163

Date Reported: 04/05/2023 at 0729 hours

Incident: Scam/Attempted Fraud

Location: Douglas County

Case Details:

Today we've been made aware of multiple calls of an attempted fraud/scam in which people receive a call from a number that appears to be from the Alexandria Police Department. The caller provides a legitimate officer's name and advises that you've missed a court date and there is a warrant for your arrest. They proceed to ask a variety of questions in order to gain your personal information. This is a scam. Please know that law enforcement doesn't typically call advising of warrants, nor do we request additional personal information or collect payment over the phone. If you receive a call of this nature, please hang up before releasing any information. If you have been a victim of this scam and are out any money, please contact our office for assistance, 320-762-8151. You can check for an active Douglas County warrant by visiting our website. We encourage wanted subjects to contact our office on their own to clear up their warrant.

Officer: Sgt. Scot Umlauf, #243


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