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Silo Fire

Posted: 02/06/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23001484

Date Reported: 2/4/2023 at 1137 hours

Incident: Silo Fire

Location: 13461 Cemetery Road SE - Orange Township

Complainant/Victim: Property Owner: Thomas Grundman

Case Details:

On 02/04/2023 at 1137 hours, the Osakis Fire Department and Douglas County Deputies responded to 13461 Cemetery Road SE in Orange Township for a silo fire. As efforts were being made to extinguish the fire, Osakis Fire Department reported the top of the silo blew off. Two fire trucks were struck by the top of the silo. One truck was put out of service due to the damage. One firefighter was transported to Alomere Health for non-life threatening injuries. Alexandria Fire Department, Villard Fire Department, Osakis First Responders, and North Ambulance assisted on scene. The cause of the explosion is still being investigated. 

Officer: Deputy Bryan Ziegler, #212


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