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Structure Fire - Machine Shed

Posted: 03/27/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23003741

Date Reported: 3/27/2023 at 0143 hours

Incident: Structure Fire - Machine Shed

Location: 9690 Co Rd 77 SE, Alexandria

Case Details:

Property Owner: Janet Schnetzer

On 3/27/23 at 0143 hours, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office received a report of a structure fire at 9690 Co Rd 77 SE. Deputies arrived and found a machine shed on the property fully engulfed, and had partially collapsed prior to arrival. The shed contained vehicles, a skid loader, and lawn mowers. The structure and vehicles inside appear to be a total loss. Responding agencies include the Douglas County Sheriff's Office, Osakis Fire Dept, and Villard Fire Dept. The fire remains under investigation.

Officer: Deputy Bob Peper, #225


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