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Residential: Zoning District Regulations


To allow select residential development where existing development has taken place. Also to allow residential development in staged growth areas adjacent to the cities within Douglas County. The following criteria shall be used in determining whether development is reasonable and orderly in the staged growth areas:

  • Existing pattern of growth.
  • Availability of sewer and water services.
  • Lot sizes of other developments in the area.

There is no livestock raising permitted in residential areas unless the site has been previously registered through the county’s feedlot program. In this case, the site must continue to operate at the same number of animal units described in the registration. Any expansions or modifications to the operation will require a conditional use permit. Residents in this zoning district may be able to apply for a conditional use permit to keep livestock in a residential district if they have enough acreage and can comply with relevant setbacks.

For more information on zoning regulations, please see the Douglas County Zoning Ordinance.