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Rural Residential: Zoning District Regulations


To allow select residential development in areas where vacant or farmed land has become subject to increased amounts of single family residential development. This district is intended to be reserved for future higher density rural residential development when support services and infrastructure can be provided. Development in this district shall maintain a low density rural environment until such time as the need for additional rural residential development and rezoning to Residential (R).


In Rural Residential Zoning Districts there is limited livestock raising permitted. Residents in this district who have not previously had livestock registered to their site are allowed to have .5 animal units per animal accessible acre and not more than 49 animal units total. If there is a current feedlot registration on file for the site, the farm may continue to operate as described in the registration. If a livestock operator wishes to expand beyond their current registration or open a site with more than 49 animal units, the individual must apply for a variance.

For more information on zoning regulations, please see the Douglas County Zoning Ordinance.